Summer Smoke and Sizzle

Hello Everyone! Welcome to Summer. I have already experienced a variety of weather conditions from cooler temperatures with smoky haze to full on summer heat and humidity. Chocolate Mint Geranium The picture above is one of two plants that I am maintaining for this garden season (remember the years I had the 20’ x 20’ garden plot? I cannot believe I did that). Now, I am down to this lone geranium survivor and some struggling kale. Today, I am thinking about goals. At work, I had my mid point review this week and my manager mentioned that I should start thinking about where I want to be at the end of 2024 to start developing goals or resolutions for next January. I have transferred the conversation to my personal life and started it by re-assessing the 2023 goals. One of my personal 2023 goals was to take Drawing 1 and 2 at the Chicago Botanic Garden, drawing is difficult and I had been wanting to take a class for a long time. I budgeted and planned my vacation time because in my...