Heat is Still On

Hello Everyone. 2022 has been JAM packed - from one challenge to the next, I have been on my toes! Recently, there has been a welcome lull so I have made it back to Planet Nice Crafts. 😊

Reading has been a steady solace throughout and here are this year's finished books:

1. A Dance with Dragons by George RR Martin - I finished this book in January 2022, and writing this in September, I miss my favorite dysfunctional families. There is the prequel series to satisfy appetites but the books are so much better (and less gory and violent). An almost 20 year effort for me to read it but it was worth it.

2. This is How it Always is by Laurie Frankel - Winter 2022's One Community Read, a fantastic public library program.

3. Under a White Sky, The Nature of the Future by Elizabeth Kolbert - I learned of this book from a Chicago Tribune article.

4. Thrawn Ascendancy Chaos Rising by Timothy Zahn.

5. Land of Love and Drowning by Tiphanie Yanique.

6. Prairie Fires the American Dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder by Caroline Fraser. I learned so much from this book, it was wonderful brain yoga. Favorite book of the year so far.

7. Thrawn Ascendancy Greater Good by Timothy Zahn.

8. Building a Dream the Art of Disney Architecture by Beth Dunlop.

9. A Woman of Endurance by Dahlma Llanos-Figueroa 

Any questions or comments on these books, comment below or email me at planetnicecrafts@gmail.com.The book list IS being chipped away. 

One of the unpredictable turns this year has been - no gardening. I know, I know. The community garden plot had been a big endeavor the previous four years. Due to the expansion and high demand of community garden plots, the 3-year-old plot was reorganized into something new and I would have had to start from scratch. Because I know firsthand how much time and energy gardening requires, I decided to forego. Not all is lost, however, I am enjoying the local farmstand more, tending to perennials, and helping others with their gardens (including harvesting).

The extra time allowed me to have a few new adventures: Brookfield Zoo and volunteer weekends in Springfield, IL with Adventures in Preservation. To both, I brought my camera.

Lion, June 2022

Dolphin Show, June 2022

Kangaroos, June 2022

The overall development project in Springfield, IL is the reinvention of the Ursuline Academy/Benedictine College. For these weekends, we worked on painting prep and painting of the campus's music conservatory, hence, the stained glass of St. Cecilia, the patroness of music and musicians.

St. Cecilia Window at former Ursuline Academy

Work Site

Fellow Volunteers and Property Owner

There was one special crafting time this summer that included something completely different: a mixed media aquarium. I have a wide variety of materials in my craft room and due to end of the year cleaning, a mindful inventory. For this project, I put sea sponge, shells, flower vases, 3-D printed sea creatures, glue, and acrylic plastic together to make an arrangement.


Then, just started putting the creatures and shells onto the sponge (stand in for a reef) with Elmer's glue.

Putting the Pieces Together

Piece Close-up

The pieces then were arranged in vases and for a more finished look and easier cleaning, an acrylic top was added and glued to the vase.

Aquarium, not quite finished

Finished Mixed-Media Aquarium

From the Top

Am I pleased with the results? Yes. Do I need to make more? No. It was fun to use some long-stored materials and create something different in a short time frame, but it is on to the next project. The sewing machine is not being used. Now the challenge is to find the time and right mindset to dive into the next project. Until then...


  1. Like your photos and mixed-media aquarium!

  2. Like your photos and mixed-media aquarium!


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