Plethora Part 1

Hello Everyone!

It is the official start of summer. The Chicagoland weather this Spring has been...odd. Windy, hot, and very very dry. But before I get to the various updates, I wanted to share some behind the scenes news. In mid-April, it was announced that Blogger's email subscription service, Feedburner, would end in July, which is right around the corner. So, Planet Nice Crafts has been doing some research on what to do next. I would like to remain on the Blogger platform because though it is not very fancy or powerful - it is really easy to use. For subscribers to continue to receiving posts via email, I am going to try MailerLite. Of course, there may be a hiccup or two so bear with me. Planet Nice Crafts has much work to do and it is not going away, but in case you don't receive any notification of blog activity for a couple months, please check this page, contact, or message us on Instagram @planetnicecrafts. Planet Nice Crafts really appreciates all of your support.

Not hearing from Planet Nice Crafts is not an issue this weekend, because the update was so lengthy during drafting that I decided to break it up into two parts. It may be an effect of reading lengthy novels?

Pressing on... The garden plot has been continuing to evolve with plants coming and going. The garlic and half of the strawberries departed to another owner unknown to me, but whom I suspect thought the plot was abandoned (it is a little messy). No matter as they were salvaged or gifted. Luckily, the remaining strawberries look pretty good after being transplanted and are blooming.

In the now open space, kale and chive seeds were planted. Kale from the plot is eagerly awaited because as a commercial crop, kale is ranked second after strawberries for the most pesticide contamination. It is doing well and doesn't seem to mind the odd Spring.

The poppies have really made their presence known and should be simply magnificent in about a month.

Transplant tomatoes and peppers are making their way into the garden along with seeds for beans and watermelons. I have never attempted watermelon but I figure with these weather conditions, this may be a good year.

Books continue to be devoured at a steady pace. I finished Old in Art School - A Memoir by Nell Painter. Her emotions and opinions are strong. I am glad I read it because it was educational about contemporary art and art education from an African-American perspective. I moved on to The Descendants by Kaui Hart Hemmings, the same book that was made into a movie with George Clooney. I chose it because it is about Hawaii, a place I've never been, and the author is from there. It was written in a more poetic style like Red at the Bone - I enjoyed it and agreed with Honolulu Magazine's description "The result is a master class of technique, if a little on the light side for those used to a heavier touch". I feel I have just had an initial touch when it comes to Hawaiian culture so I think I will need another book with the setting on the ever growing list!

With The Descendants finished, it was time to go back to Westeros and Essos in A Storm of Swords by George RR Martin. I thought I would lose series momentum but that hasn't happened yet. I think having a long list of books that I want to read keeps me motivated. I like this volume because so far, some of the most violent and cringeworthy characters (with the names Greyjoy and Bolton) have been largely absent so far. Knowing the series' reputation, I am sure they will be back and probably others will be added to the same character category.

I have spent some time examining why this reading renaissance has occurred. One reason is a lower stress level due to no homework or job search anxiety. I also feel there is a positive psychological feedback loop of touching the pages, identifying with the characters or people, and imagining the real or fictional surroundings. I don't even find myself watching much TV these days.

The post is getting long right now and I haven't even touched the crafts part of Planet Nice Crafts. Allow me to leave you here and I'll pick up in a couple days. Until then!


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