Overtime at Planet Nice

Hello Everyone. We are working overtime in the current situation – that has been the biggest change here. One of the outcomes of this tremendous activity is that we have a LOT to share. As I think it is normal when an organization gets going, there was a plethora of chatter about individuals sewing masks as the ILMasksNow effort. While that was settling into a system, Planet Nice Crafts decided to go ahead and finish the oven mitt last mentioned in January. Remember?

The hand sewing portion was finally finished and the main part of the mitt was machine quilted with a grid, that worked out nicely.

The last step was to put all of it together with a bias binding. My first bias binding attempt was not successful because it was not wide enough to contain all the fabric layers. So I made the second attempt really chunky which I thought was fine for an oven mitt. Here is the elaborate pinning job.

Even with the extra width, it was still a challenge on the curves. It felt like the binding was fighting to be attached by moving away from the fabric layers as it was sewn. Plus, it did not help that I insisted on using blue thread on cream fabric. The end result was not quite up to my standard but after thinking about it, the only way to really have done it is to attach it by hand and because of the masks, I did not feel I had that luxury of time. I have a distance shot of the finished oven mitt - the close-ups were not good 😊.

Now on to the masks. I at first wanted to do the requested 3-layer mask but it required a layer of non-woven interfacing that I do not have and online ordering was unsuccessful after 3 attempts. So, I settled into the mask cover which is designed to extend the utility of the N95 filter by having a pocket. I had all the supplies but it does take more time. Production was quite slow at the beginning but after a couple weeks, I feel I am at production capacity. These are not “fast” or easy and I both laugh and cringe at all of the online activity showing people having stacks of masks. I did take photos of the process and the Planet Nice atmosphere.

A typical view of cutting the materials. There are 3 parts to cut: the ties, the 1-piece outer cover, and the 2-piece backing/pocket. I am using cotton or cotton/poly blend bed linens so soft, comfortable, and most important breathable! The cutting goes rather quickly.

The next chunk of time is spent at the ironing board. The folding and pressing the fabric for the ties takes a tremendous amount of time that is why people are using premade bias tape or elastic. Elastic is not requested for the organization I am sewing for as it is not washable. 

Here is a mask all put together waiting for the trickiest last step, attaching the ties and the pleats. This is a view of the back pocket flap.

Intensely pinned, there are many layers so my sewing machine struggles. Amazingly all of the machine needles I have are for heavy duty fabrics like home decorating and light suede – to get through the layers, I think they are working sufficiently.

Then, you need to check the other side to make sure everything is laying as flat as possible.

The end result front and back.

Each mask cover requires about 45 minutes. Fortunately, we have had really nice weather and fantastic natural light which makes production more cheery. Here is the sewing workspace, the best there is.

As of today, 39 mask covers and 15 2-layer fabric masks for public use have been completed.

On occasion, we have special visitors to break up our production days.

We have also started getting the garden plot up and running. A couple weeks ago, I put in seeds for peas, cabbage, kale, and poppies. Last week, it looked like the kale was the first to show noticeable germination. Not enough for a salad yet.

So, that ends this massive activity report. Mask cover production is going to be the main priority until I am told otherwise by the MasksNow organization. Please let me know if you would like a 2-layer mask for public use or Planet Nice Crafts Pandemic Care Package (Planet Nice Crafts surprise creations with or without masks) by email at planetnicecrafts@gmail.com. I am not selling the masks but instead, an exchange for sewing supplies may be requested.

Be Well & Stay Safe!


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