What happened to Planet Nice?

Yes, the last post was July 27 – I think that is amazing. What happened? Well, starting a new job and Fall semester everyone. Fall semester 2019 has been the semester I have worked the largest number of hours (20-25 a week) while still taking 4 credits and trying to save the planet. Good things have been happening during this ‘soon to be ending’ semester. At the beginning of it, just when I thought I was finished with sewing for the theater, I discovered that they really needed my help and I was challenged to carve  out as many hours as I could from an already full schedule. Here is my favorite piece I think I have ever sewn for the Theatre Department, it was the main character’s coat for the Fall production “The Little Prince”:

I went to see the play and didn’t really understand it even though it is considered a children’s play, but I was very pleased how durable the coat was despite all of the actor’s movements. It hung beautifully, not really a credit to me but to the pattern which was a Palmer/Pletsch. I actually used this photo as a project for my Computer Art class. Even with a good amount of pressing, the coat was a bit wrinkly in the original photo so I did a bit of Photoshop magic to have it come out as above.

Another of my Computer Art projects I would like to share with you. It was completely drawn in Illustrator and then brought together in Photoshop:

A photograph was used for inspiration, but that’s about it. I think the art history shows have had their impact on me because I feel like I am expressing a bit of Edward Hopper's "Nighthawks" and Diego Velázquez's "Las Meninas" in my elementary way. Definitely a piece for my portfolio, which is another thing I have to get to one of these days.

Between working and classes, none of the Planet Nice projects have moved forward. The muslin for the chosen polo shirt was cut and has remained in hibernation ever since, maybe after the holidays? The good news is that Planet Nice remains at the forefront of design at least somewhere in the universe 😊. Remember the bean bag chair? If you don’t, I’ll happily share a photo:

Guess what was in a summer issue of Architectural Digest and made it to the 2019 Chicago Tribune Holiday Gift Guide? 

I was happy that it was mentioned not just in one periodical, but in two – hooray for bean bag chairs! Of course, the Versace is priced at $3,300 – we have more democratizing bean bag chairs on Planet Nice.

That’s about it for now (the work day awaits). I want to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season. Stay warm and be kind to others, even if they could be an alien. Oh, and a last little plug – if you are in need of a unique and handcrafted gift, please reach out to me. I have several items looking for homes that are in a wide range of budgets and are easy for me to ship. We’ll be back on in 2020. 


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