What happened to Planet Nice?

Yes, the last post was July 27 – I think that is amazing. What happened? Well, starting a new job and Fall semester everyone. Fall semester 2019 has been the semester I have worked the largest number of hours (20-25 a week) while still taking 4 credits and trying to save the planet. Good things have been happening during this ‘soon to be ending’ semester. At the beginning of it, just when I thought I was finished with sewing for the theater, I discovered that they really needed my help and I was challenged to carve out as many hours as I could from an already full schedule. Here is my favorite piece I think I have ever sewn for the Theatre Department, it was the main character’s coat for the Fall production “The Little Prince”: I went to see the play and didn’t really understand it even though it is considered a children’s play, but I was very pleased how durable the coat was despite all of the actor’s movements. It hung beautifully, not really a credit to me but to the...