Spring is Here

Hello Readers!

Well, it has been so long since I posted that Google/Blogger no longer recognizes my computer as a device. I apologize for the drought in postings - the 12 credit hours this semester has stretched me rather thin. I have even done TWO quasi-all-nighters (I do get a few hours of sleep but the brain is still working). I have been back at the College of Lake County Costume Shop but actually my hours have decreased there this semester so I can't blame that for the lack of posts. Out of the 12 credit hours, the class that is probably the most interesting to this audience is my art class, Two-Dimensional Design, as opposed to Engineering Graphics, Web Design and Development, and Technical Communication Practicum. Our first project was a collage, here is my turned in assignment:

These assignments are different from Planet Nice Crafts projects because there is a hard deadline... no excuses. The second project used ink pens which were completely new to me.

This project gave me a bit of motion sickness while working on it but it received good reviews. And finally, the latest project was comprised of three color studies.

This project utilized acrylic paints, another first for me. I will be posting individual photos on Instagram when I have a chance.

No progress on the bean bag chair, but I did have the opportunity to attend the Orchid show at the Chicago Botanic Garden.

What spectacular color - it was overwhelming! Meanwhile, there has also been a Spring miracle here at the condo when a few freebie crocuses emerged.

Not quite as spectacular as the orchids but I'll take it. Unfortunately, with Spring comes allergies. Two last announcements are that Planet Nice Crafts decided to sponsor the Obstacle classes at the 2019 Rare Breeds Horse Show at Rancho Murieta outside Sacramento CA (http://www.akhal-teke.org/2019-sana-west-rare-breeds-show.html) - this is a new adventure for the blog. Also there will be a plot at the Libertyville community garden to demonstrate year-to-year plantings and maintenance. OK, I am going to sign off before I sneeze on my screen :-)!


  1. Dear Planet Nice,

    Your readers in Neenah want to know if you received passing grades on your art assignments. Art teachers in Wisconsin are extremely discriminating (apparently). The picture of the orchids is really nice and we are encouraged by your crocuses. Congratulations on sponsoring the Obstacle courses at the Rare Breeds Horse Show!

    Readers in Neenah

  2. Hello Readers in Neenah,

    Yes I have received passing grades on the art assignments. The teacher utilizes a multi-faceted approach - the categories are "Demonstration of the 2-D concepts/goals & project guidelines", "Aesthetic of Design Solution", "Craftsmanship", and "Project evolution/work habits". We have 5 class hours per week and I put in about 5 hours a week outside of class. I hope this helps.

    Thank you for the encouragement!


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