A Respite from Planet Earth…

Yes, that is the mission of Planet Nice – when you need to take a step away from Planet Earth, spend some time on Planet Nice. It has been a week since the Autumn or Fall Equinox, I am looking forward to cooler temperatures, lower humidity, fewer bugs, and less impact from allergies despite the furnace being turned on in the near future. Another positive is as the leaves fall and the sun swings south, the best crafting light will return to the workshop.

There has been absolutely no crafting activity since the last post. Consequently, this post is mostly announcement related. After flipping through several issues of Architectural Digest and the book Perfect Palettes by Stephanie Hoppen (the designer of the blue decorating fabric pictured on the August 14 post here), it was decided to try the smaller bean bag chair as the next sewing project using pattern Burda 8373 (also pictured in the August 14 post).  Why? There is A LOT of the blue fabric and the pattern offers the best opportunity to use a significant amount of it. I thought for awhile to incorporate a contrasting fabric and liked this page from the Hoppen book:

But, then I decided against as blue and white stand well on their own and instead, perhaps to include a dark blue piping to give the chair that special detailed touch. These 2 Art Deco chairs from the book American Furniture: Tables, Chairs, Sofas & Beds by Marvin D. Schwartz inspired that idea.

Secondly, in the spirit of the cooler weather, I am discretely offering the knitted items for purchase. All of the knitted items featured on the Planet Nice blog are offered except for the cashmere scarfette, that item has already found a home. Prices range from $30-$70 so feel free to email me at planetnicecrafts@gmail.com if an item has caught your eye – I have height and circumference measurements to aid fitting questions.

Next, there was a very nice comment complimenting the artichoke light fixture in Georg Jensen exhibit so I am presenting a few light fixture pictures from my travels in 2017. This first one was an exhibit on Finnish design in celebration of 100 years of that country’s independence; the exhibit was at the Malmö Museer in Malmö Sweden.

Many Finnish products, including these fixtures, can be viewed at the Finnish Design Shop. In Copenhagen, I visited Illums Bolighus, a kind of emporium of Scandinavian design – if you need design eye candy, visit their website. There were so many fixtures, I couldn’t take a nicely framed photo.

Lastly, for those who are inspired by art and the creative process – PBS is currently presenting season 9 of “Art in the Twenty-first Century”. I had never watched it before and it is a little heavy but it is enjoyable. On the local front, on October 4 there is the grand opening of the Baxter Innovation Lab at the College of Lake County; the Lab is a makerspace containing design related software and equipment including less high tech wood- and metalworking tools and it is open for public use. Hope all of you enjoy early Autumn or Fall and I will post soon, no matter if the crafts progress or not 😊.


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