We are back!

The last summer school assignment was completed last Friday so now I have three weeks before the Fall semester begins. It sounds like a long time but it will be filled with catch-up activities such as creating blog posts 😊.

Knitting continues. Planet Nice Crafts did make the goal of having FOUR knitting entries for the Lake County Fair. Here they are:

Yes, there are some additions that have not been mentioned before. The hat utilizing the 5-ply dark green cashmere yarn was completed since the last post; the pattern is “Milanese Lace Topper” by Tante Ehm with a modification. I like the pattern for this chunkier yarn, but towards the end there were several mistakes in the lace pattern SO I may rip it out and re-do it. Every row has lace stitches and keeping the pattern required uninterrupted concentration, unfortunately, with looming assignments and late nights, there were plenty of breaks in concentration hence the mistakes. It did have a photo shoot on the head mannequin which I think helps with the pattern definition; to keep consistent with the other photos of the cap, I took a flat photo too.

The last project which was completed on the submission due date was the fingerless mitts, completed with the last color of Johnstons of Elgin cashmere, it is 3-ply which makes it the easiest to knit of the three. The pattern was from the One Skein Accessories Craftsy class with Aurora Sisneros. The value of the class exceeded my expectations with this project as there were video lessons on how to divide the stitches for the mitt and the thumb and complete those sections. I found the buttons in my stash; they were originally purchased because they are Made in Poland so it is a treat that they are so complimentary to the yarn. The mitts were the only project that received a ribbon at the Fair, but it was the right color, blue! Don't ask me how they got the 1st place - I know mistakes were minimal and these definitely won't be re-done; it may simply be the buttons gave them a little more bling and caught the judge's eye. For me the best part is the participation and I am also happy that the other classes were competitive enough for me NOT to receive a ribbon.

So, that is the knitting update; in August I hope to analyze the green hat to determine if I could make the pattern better and I still have the purple cashmere color so I was going to do one more hat with that yarn, there should be enough.

Moving on to the Better Homes and Gardens Decorating book, I continue to flip through it and have picked a few images to post on Instagram. Instead of photographing the book, I scanned and then put the images in Adobe Photoshop. The first Instagram post from this book was the most popular for Planet Nice Crafts (12 Likes 😉) so we will see how this second one does.

Source: Better Homes and Gardens page 116.

Source: Better Homes and Gardens Decorating page 117.

Source: Better Homes and Gardens Decorating pages 122-123.

I am thinking of future projects – I have a pile of decorating fabric that needs to be transformed. So far from that perspective, the section on color has been the most useful. Stay tuned!

email: planetnicecrafts@gmail.com 


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