Introducing Planet Nice Crafts’ Finished Bean Bag Chair

Hello Everyone. I apologize for being absent the last three months. It has been a very busy 2019. Since I last posted during Spring Break, I completed the semester but it was busy until the very end which was not until May 18. I don’t think I will be taking 4 classes or 12 credit hours ever again – it was much too rigorous. Overlapping with Finals week, the community garden opened. This Spring was really tough for gardening: record rainfall, grey skies, and cold. I set out plants and seeds. The plants have been struggling, but now that we have more seasonal weather, they and a second planting of seeds have fared better. On the heels of ending the school year, the employment year began. There are still several classes I plan to take, but now I hope to devote more time to employment – a good idea to keep Planet Nice Crafts spinning on its axis. That is the update. I left the bean bag chair way back in late January after a first attempt at the zipper. I find zippers tough. I have re...