
Cicada Summer

Hello Everyone! I finally had a moment to breathe and do a bit of Photoshop and writing. The reason why you haven’t heard from Planet Nice is that the life schedule has been in upheaval for the past 2-3 months. Here at Planet Nice we are at the whim of the major economic driver (aka full-time employment 😊!) as it supports the Craft blog and PlanetNiceOdyssey@Etsy. So, all I can do is give it my best. We have moved on from the celestial events of the early Spring to cicadas. Lots of them! There has been a background hum since May with some other noise effects thrown in there. I first spotted the actual 17-year cicadas on May 24; I noticed the emergent holes about a week or so earlier. 17-year Cicada in Chicago Area They haven’t been too pesty, it has just been noisy but in a few weeks I think they will have moved on back to the Earth and the annual cicadas will then have a turn. As adjustment to shifting schedules takes mental and physical energy, crafting or any creative time is m

2024 Project Reveal...

Hello Everyone! I would like to reveal this year’s MAJOR project..a painted plaster medallion to be mounted as wall art. The project was actually “born” in 2016 when I attended a short course taught by a master plasterer. My favorite part was when we did decorative plaster as that was the most crafty. We were given the opportunity to take our class made medallions home and I jumped at the chance. Me with Medallion, 2016 At the time, I didn’t know how to paint artistically, the closest being when I painted wood trim in my home unit. I DO remember the instructor mentioning using an oil based primer as a first step. Struggling with how to present this project, I will start with material from 2016. I do have some process videos but I am leary of posting on the Blogger platform, so I will be posting a couple of them on Instagram @planetnicecrafts and Etsy PlanetNiceOdyssey as they have been more reliable. According to my old photos, the decorative medallion w as created with two ingredi

Hello 2024!

The holiday season is at a close. The holiday lights are depleted to non-existent and we are left with really dark mornings…this is so depressing sounding for Planet Nice. So, what do we need – SNOW. That’s right we need it and be careful what you wish for because for us in the Chicago area at least..we are getting it RIGHT NOW. How was your holiday season? Mine felt like a whirlwind. Soon after Halloween 2023, I took a vacation to Washington DC. What a great trip, I hadn’t been a tourist there in a very long time. The weather was warm and it wasn’t crowded. I was completely unprepared for all the walking, I had some very sore legs starting on Day 3 sightseeing. There are a few trip pictures AND my final drawing project posted on Planet Nice Odyssey  (I know, relentless branding). Here are additional trip photos: Tadeusz KoÅ›ciuszko statue near the White House The Lincoln Memorial - how could one not be moved by this hallowed place? First thing in the morning at the National Museum of A

Presenting Planet Nice Odyssey

Hello Everyone! Well, it has happened – “Planet Nice Odyssey” was available on Etsy so it was officially registered and the shop became “live” on October 2 nd . Please use this link: when visiting the shop from here on the blog because I get extra credit points when I drive traffic to Etsy and it is traceable back to me. Ahhh, the world of social media. I haven’t kept you that much in the dark – it has taken about a month to make progress on listings, policies, and shipping strategy. There was a mini-meltdown amid the effort when I realized that I will need to additionally store packing materials to hopefully, find homes for the items and then a long-term decrease of Planet Nice Craft’s storage footprint will occur. To put my account and the shop together, I followed “Starting an Etsy Business for dummies®” by Kate Shoup and Kate Gatski. Throughout the years, I have found the for dummies® series helpful in establishing beginner level knowledge on

An Announcement, An Unveiling

Hello Everyone! I hope you have thrived in at least one way during this hot summer. The summer that had kick in it until yesterday?  Now on to Fall or Autumn. All is well here; some extra self-care was required because allergies were worse than in previous years. But there is nothing wrong with more self-care. Not much free time devoted to crafts except for a session on repair work that had been stacking up. What has been happening and this is the big REVEAL is the development of PLANET NICE ODYSSEY (PNO) on Etsy. YES! Okay this is not official yet as I haven't signed up, but I'm getting there. What is this new adventure? I haven’t exactly drafted a mission statement but in macro terms I would say it is a presentation of craft materials, goods, and experiences/services by the practitioner of Planet Nice Crafts, me. The purpose of this blog and PNO is to share my adventures in crafts with some baking, gardening, jigsaw puzzles, reading, and other hobbies of necessity (plumbi

Summer Smoke and Sizzle

Hello Everyone! Welcome to Summer. I have already experienced a variety of weather conditions from cooler temperatures with smoky haze to full on summer heat and humidity.  Chocolate Mint Geranium The picture above is one of two plants that I am maintaining for this garden season (remember the years I had the 20’ x 20’ garden plot? I cannot believe I did that). Now, I am down to this lone geranium survivor and some struggling kale. Today, I am thinking about goals. At work, I had my mid point review this week and my manager mentioned that I should start thinking about where I want to be at the end of 2024 to start developing goals or resolutions for next January. I have transferred the conversation to my personal life and started it by re-assessing the 2023 goals. One of my personal 2023 goals was to take Drawing 1 and 2 at the Chicago Botanic Garden, drawing is difficult and I had been wanting to take a class for a long time. I budgeted and planned my vacation time because in my exp